Your satisfaction is very important. I strive to provide professional services ensuring your appeasement. By filling out this survey, you will be providing feedback necessary to improve my services. I thank you for your time and wish you a wonderful day.
Please check the services provides
(choose from drop down menu)
How satisfied were you with the services you received?
If you selected anything other than very satisfied, please explain
Would you recommend my services?
If you selected anything other than yes, please explain
If you would like to provide a testimonty to post on this web site, either anonymously or using your first name and city (for your privacy), I would greatly appreciate it. (please use box provided below)
Your Name (optional)
email address
contact number
Any additional feedaback, comments, or suggestions:
Would you be willing to do a video testimony?
Would you be willing to provide an audio testimony using just your first name?
Were your presenting issue(s) resolved to your satisfaction within the recommended amount of sessions?